My relationship with my flaws
When I was younger, I thought that I was pretty just because I had blue eyes, when I grew up and I realized that I was wrong. Growing up, I started to notice my flaws and I started counting them all and everyday I could've find some new ones and it led me to hating myself for having them.
When I was about fourteen, my self-esteem was pretty low and I didn't feel pretty enough or skinny enough.
I was really influenced by television, by all the nice actresses and singers. I must admit that most of these girls were from Disney Channel.
But, growing up, I started realizing that I wasn't the only one who felt this way and I realized that the ones I thought were perfect weren't that perfect.
Now I'm seventeen and I'm learning to appreciate myself. I can't say that I'm completely confident and things like that and I must admit that I still have days when my self-esteem is really low and I don't even feel comfortable going out and seeing people, but I'm trying to love myself as much as can.
I personally love music and I always rely on it, this case isn't an exception: a have a few song that describe perfectly how I feel when I don't feel confident at all. These are the mains:
• Tied Together With a Smile by Taylor Swift
• I feel pretty/unpretty by Glee Cast
• The Lucky One by Taylor Swift
Writing this post has been a little uncomfortable, but I think that a lot girls and young women need to know that they aren't the only ones to feel this way and I also hope that this post made someone smile :)
And remember this: everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it
Sometimes it's hard to be yourself but it's definitely worth it
Who knows me knows that I am pretty quite person. That doesn't mean that I don't like having fun, it means that I don't like having fun in certain ways. This means that I'm not the average "party girl" who likes going to clubs, drink and stuff like that. I like having out with genuine people who can make me feel "okay" in ordinary ways. Unfortunately I don't know a lot of genuine people because most of my 'friends' like having fun by "getting wasted" so they go to clubs every saturday night and 'get wasted'.
As I have already said, I'm not that kind of person, but last week on Halloween I decided to go to a big club with some friends. Big mistake.
I'm not gonna tell all the details, but I swear that it was, for me, really really really boring. I don't understand why people like drink, smoke and make out with random strangers. Like, what's the point? That's absolutely not what having fun is for me.
At the end of the night I was the only one who was sober and that's the reason why I got a little 'isolated' from my group. It wasn't a pleasant situation, but I'm proud of myself because I could've give up and start drinking to fit in the group, but I didn't: I stayed true to myself.
PS. I don't think that drinking is wrong if you do it with the right people and if you it consciously, but I honestly think that if you drink to look 'cool', then your life is a little pathetic.
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Nail Trends Autumn/Fall 2014
These collections came up a few months ago and we all have already seen them, but we probably don't even remember most of them so i decided to summarize the main collection.

The 902 Bar is a really dark blue that look black and it has some nearly invisible shimmer with a glossy finish.
I can be used on important events, but also on ordinary days because in my opinion it's really "versatile".
It's a slightly blue color with the gel shine formula.
Chanel came up with three new colors: Orage, Secret and atmosfphère

My favorite is the "631 Orage", "storm" in french. It's a really dark blue with hints of dark gray with a slight shimmer.
It think it look amazing on rainy days.
Then there's a nude color "625 Secret". I personally love nude colors because they are comfortable, elegant and chic. But it's also true that I have tons of nude colors so I didn't really expect a lot from this one, well I was wrong. When you wear it you see that it's a perfect balance between pink nude and yellow nude. This one definitely goes to my top five of nude colors.
The last nail polish Chanel came up with is the "629 Atmosphère". When you see it in the bottle it's not that obvious, but it's a "iridescent peral", as it's described". It's semi- sheer and duochrome that shifts from gold to pink. It can also be used a top coat.
Dior came up with four/five new colors: 902 Bar, 796 Carré bleu, 254 Rose tutu and 206 Pied-De-Poule. It also came up with a box with some nail products called "Nail Artistry Box"
I can be used on important events, but also on ordinary days because in my opinion it's really "versatile".
It's really autumnal, but I honestly think that it's hard to wear it.
How to improve a bad day
"Everybody has those days, everybody knows what I'm talking about" sang the young, sweet and innocent Hannah Montana aka Miley Cyrus back in 2006 in her song Nobody's Perfect and she was right because we all have those days when we are basically depressed for no reason and we don't even know why, don't we?
I decided to do a little list of the things I like doing when I'm sad for no reason (and yes, it's usually a sunday)
1) see a nice movie
I am a big movie-lover and I have a pretty big DVD collection so I just choose a movie that I'm 100% sure will cheer me up.
As I have already said, I love a lot a lot of movies and I wanted to pick just three. I was a really hard challenge but I chose these ones: LOL (the 2012 one, with Miley Cyrus), New Year's Eve and The Perks of Begin a Wallflower
2) go for a walk
Go for a walk, just like that. It might sound stupid but it really helps. You can choose the closest park you find or you can go to some parts of your city where you've never been. I personally love going around the city with no destination because I always find really love places and I feel like a tourist
If you find a nice park you can hang out there and, why not, hug a tree if you feel like it ahah
look at this awesome murals I found once |
3) call a friend
sometimes we feel like nobody can undestand us, but we're wrong: if we only tried to talk to our friends we'd notice that. So just call a friend and try to talk with them
sometimes we feel like nobody can undestand us, but we're wrong: if we only tried to talk to our friends we'd notice that. So just call a friend and try to talk with them
4) tidy your room / organize stuff
How may times have you thought that your room would look much better if it was just a little different? Well, to me it happens a lot and usually when I have an idea for improving my room I write it down somewhere so, when I have some free time, I just do it.
You can improve your room with little stupid things like hanging some pictures on the wall, adding some new lights or with little diy projects.
5) new band
I personally love music and I love discovering new music so sometimes I just go on YouTube and listen to some music that I've never hear before and maybe get a little obsessed with the singer/band opsss. Anyway finding out new music can be really enchanting
6) sleep
Sleep is a really important part of our day and sometimes when you haven't slept well you fell a little down, so I suggest to have a little nap because it really does help!
7) cook
I am personally terrible at cooking, but doesn't mean I can't try! Sometimes I go on random cooking sites and see some recipes and, in some cases, I try them. (Most of the times I fail, but those are just details ahah)
Now that we're getting closer to winter and Christmas I'm looking forward to find some Christmas recipes yay
Id you cook you don't just spend time, you can actually relief you mood because there are some foods such as almonds and peanuts are scientifically proven to make you feel better
8) study/ read a book
I'm a little bit nerd so I love reading books and/or study school stuff because I think that our knowledge is the most precious thing that we can have and no one will ever be able to take it away from us
9) visit a museum
This is also a "nerdly" thing, but I like so much visiting museums because I just love learning new things and museums, if properly visited can be really interesting, you just have to give it a try! And most cities have museums that give free visits on some days so you don't even have to spend money
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