I've been thinking about this for a while, but I wasn't brave enought to actually do it.
But now, I did it! I made a facebook page for this blog! You can find it here! Obviously I still have to work on it because I literally made it like five minutes ago, but I'll start posting as soon as possible about all things beauty and lifestyle.
I hope you enjoy,
Inna xx
Tips For A Better Sleep
Sometimes falling asleep isn't as easy as it sounds. The lack of sleep can be the cause of a lot of stress, especially if we have to wake up early. A lot of different things can influence the way you fall asleep and the way you sleep, but changing little things of your lifestyle can really make a difference.
1) Don't eat heavy before bed
If you have a really heavy dinner, of if you eat really late, you might have some difficulties when you fall asleep because your stomach is still working on the digestion! If you eat something light you won't feel bloated and your body will be more relaxed!
2) Music
Music can seriously make a big difference! Every time I'm having a hard time sleeping, I put some slow music on that will help my body to relax and to fall asleep faster.
3 Walk
Walking, or in general making physical activity, a few hours before going to bed, will make your body tired and this way it will need to get some rest to have brand new energy!
4) Tea
Teaa before bed is a really great idea because tea calms your nerves and it brings you in a really relaxed state of mind. If you're not sure of what tea you should choose, check out this post.
Teaa before bed is a really great idea because tea calms your nerves and it brings you in a really relaxed state of mind. If you're not sure of what tea you should choose, check out this post.
5) Pajamas
The clothes you're sleeping with make a really big difference! If your body isn't comfortable because you're clothes are too tight, it'll be be harder to fall asleep! So investing in some comfortable clothes pajamas is a really great choice!
If you've got a few more tips for sleeping better share them in the comments below 😊
My Five Favorite Bloggers Contest - Winners
A few days ago I wrote a post where I told you I decided to choose five blogger whose I liked the blogs, so I kept my promise and here they are!
This is a really recent blog, but I think that it has a lot of potentiality.
For example, this post about coconut oil is very well structured and it actually makes you want to read the post! I'm definitely going to follow her blog and I hope that it will get better and better!
A Travel Soul
Cristian, who I actually know in real life, was an exchange student last year and throughout his blog he wants to share his experience and inspire people who want to travel. In his blog you'll be able to find travel quotes, advices and a lot of information about his exchange year in the US.
Charlotte's blog must be one of my favorite travel blogs ever, let me explain.
What I like about this blog is that it's both professional and friendly: those two styles are mixed in the perfect way! While reading a post, you might get the impression that a good old friend became a great career woman and that she's telling you about her adventures.
An another travel blog, but different from the others. Stephanie did something great that not a lot of people would have the guts to do: she sold her house and bought a caravan so that she could travel around Europe.
Besides the posts about her adventures, you can also find book reviews and recipes!
Milka is a 22 years old girl who lives in Montenegro who studies and writes for her blog. When I first opened her blog, I couldn't help but notice how lovely it looks!
Milka writes some really nice posts and you can thing inspiring quotes, hear something about her life, discover new songs.
Picking Up 5 Favorite Bloggers #contest
My passion for blogs started a long time ago and besides writing this blog, I still enjoy reading other's people blogs because I like to find out what people think and just get inspired by them. That's why I decided to pick up my favorite 5 bloggers out of the ones that retweet this tweet and tell you what I like about their blog.
So, if you want to be one of those lucky bloggers, make sure you follow my twitter and retweet this tweet!
The post where I talk about you will be on this blog the first of October and you have time until the midnight of the 30th September to enter!
I will personally contact the lucky five on twitter or by email.
How To Enjoy Halloween
Halloween is a night that not everyone everyone enjoys properly, so I wanted to share with you some tips for making it great and feel like a little kid!
1) Get themed sweets and put them all around the house some decorated bowls and grab them whenever you want to!
2) Decorate your house
You can do it all by yourself or you can ask some friends to help you, this way you will have fun together! Halloween decorations can be very different so choose your style! You can use ghost decorations only or you can mix different things together, the choice is yours!
3) Watch movies
They don't have to be horror or to scary if you're not into that gender, you can simply choose something Halloween-related that you can enjoy without freaking out! Personally, I like watching some disney movies, or some Halloween-related episodes of your favorite tv-show!
4) Instead of buying a costume, do it yourself!
I think that this is the most exciting thing you can do, because you're going to be different from anyone else and you'll enjoy the process! If you're not that good with this, you can buy a basic-costume and decorate it the way you like it!
5) Carve pumpkins!
I suggest you to do it the day before Halloween because this way they don't rot. You can carve it the way you like it better and put some scented candles inside of it to create a perfect atmosphere!
6) Read Halloween-related books
For enjoying Halloween the most, I suggest you to read all things Halloween related, this way you will know the real meaning of Halloween and you will enjoy it so much more!
Do you have other tips? Share them with me! 💕🎃
How I Make Money With My Blog: Sverve
Even though my blog is pretty young, I decided to monetize it a little bit, just to have some extra money that I can spend on make up or clothes that I'm going to talk about on the blog.
One of the sites that I discovered is Sverve. I particularly like this site because it allows you to chose the campaigns that you wanna apply to, but it even selects campaigns that mights suit you better. Let me explain: if you're a beauty blogger, you will not see technology campaigns. I think that this is a nice way to organize things because you don't lose time reading things that you are not interested in.
An another thing that I like about it is that you can get paid as soon as you reach $5.00, this way if your incomings aren't really big, you can still get your money without waiting too much.
Have you tried it yourself? If you did tell me what you think about it, and if you haven't you can try it right away, just click here!
Funny and random 'this' or 'that' questions
I found these random and cute questions and I decided to answer because I think that it's a funny way for you to get to know me, you can write your answers as well in the comments box!
• Summer or winter: winter
• Morning or night: night
• Rain or shine: rain
• Fall or spring: fall
• Black or white: black
• Red or blue: blue
• Milkshake or juice: juice
• Coke or pepsi: diet coke
• Tea or coffee: tea
• Beer or wine: beer
• Xbox or Playstation: playstation
• Board games or video games: board games
• TV or movies: movies
• Anime or manga: none
• Horror or comedy: comedy
• Facebook or twitter: twitter
• Planes or boats: planes
• Train or bus: train
• Pancakes or waffles: waffles
• Strawberry or blueberry: stawberry
• Meat or veggies: veggies
• Nachos or french fries: french fries
• Dogs or cats: cats
• China or Japan: Japan
• Europe or Asia: Europe
• Lays or pringles: pringles
• M&M's or skittles: m&ms
• IOS or android: iSO
• Paypal or bank account: bank account
• Call or text: depends from the person
• Truth or dare: dare
• Frozen yogurt or ice cream: ice cream
• Outdoors or indoors: indoors
• Dimples or freckles: freckles
• Gift cards or cash: cash
• Christmas or Halloween: Christmas
• Drawing or painting: drawing
• Laptop or desktop: laptop
• Motel or hotel: hotel
• Sausage or bacon: sausage
• Drummer or guitarist: guitarist
• Dancing or singing: dancing
• Straight hair or curly hair: straight hair
• Long nails or short nails: short nails
health is the most precious thing you will ever have
This post is really a personal one and you'll understand the reason why as you read it. To be honest I didn't even read it back because I'm too scared but I hope you'll appreciate it anyway.
Most people probably have no idea of how if feels to be seriously ill and probably they'll never know it and I really hope that they will never face serious health problems.
Unfortunately, some people aren't that lucky and right now, at age of 18, I am scared as hell that I might be one of these people. I would have never thought that I'd go to sleep wondering if I'll ever see the sunlight again. What I'm saying might sound dramatic and I know that it is, but that's how I feel and that's the reason why I've been hard time at sleeping. I haven't talked properly about these feeling with anyone because they'd probably think that I'm just being crazy and I truly hope that they're right, I hope that I'm just temporarily losing my mind and that this isn't happening at all. I really hope that I'm wrong, that everything's going to be again and that one day, when I'll be old and grey, I'll think about all these thought and realize how naive I was. But I'm also freaking scared that this will never happen. And it's understandable to feel like this when even your doctor doesn't know what causes the pain you've been feeling all over your body for more than a month. And it even gets worst when your heart aches for real, not because a guy broke it. This time you feel like your heart it seriously not working good anymore.
I wrote all of these stuff because I'd like to make you understand how precious your health is, so just try to treat your body right and take care of it, because when you'll lose it, you'll want it back with every inch of you.
This Week: Back In Town
I started this week in the loveliest way possible: I found some really old pictures of me and my relatives and we all spent hours looking at them and trying to remember those moments.
Then, I just tried to spend some quality time with my relatives because it was almost time to leave Ukraine and go back to Milan, Italy. I really enjoyed those days and I had a lot of fun playing with my cousins' children, especially with Maxim who turned 1 recently.
On Wednesday it was time to leave so we started our road trip in the afternoon and we arrived the next day. Even though long road trips like this one might look exhausting, I get to see some amazing places around Europe and my favorite is Budapest, Hungary which is a really nice and underrated city.
When I walked in my apartment in Milan I ate a lot of pasta (I missed it!) and I tried to get some rest. I'm trying to enjoy the last days of my summer holidays until I start school again on the 14th of September.
During the rest of the week I just stayed home because I really needed to relax. However, on Sunday I met my friend Camilla in the evening in the city center and we chatted a lot and made a little shopping. We aso decided to visit one of the museums you can find in piazza Duomo, called "Museo Del Novecento"
Pictures I didn't Instagram #2
My post "Pictures I didn't Instagram" (here) has been pretty successful so I thought that you might like it if I made posts like that one every 2/3 months and show you guys what you've missed :)
10 Reasons Why I Love Autumn/Fall
When I was younger, I remember being really excited for autumn because it felt like we were closer to Christmas. As I grew up, I continue loving this season for the same reason, but I also learned to fall in love with it for a lot of different reasons and even if you might think I'm crazy for thinking about it in August (it's the 26th, it's not that bad!), I decided to share with you all the little reasons why this season is amazing!
1) The Atmosphere
As the first cold days arrive, trees become orange and they start to lose their leaves slowly start to fall and suddenly the streets aren't grey anymore!
2) Coats
I'm a person who loves big and cozy coats and obviously there is no way that I can wear them in the hot months, so when the temperature goes down, my mood goes up!
3) Sweater Weather!
Same as for the point 2, it's unthinkable that someone can wear sweaters in summer and I don't even have to tell you why! So one of my favorite things to do in September is autumn shopping and I always end up buying way too many sweaters, but I can't complain LOL
4) Warm Socks
This might sound a little weird, but socks are one of my main autumn essentials because my feet tend to get pretty cold so I consider socks-shopping a full time hobby! And I'm not even talking about ordinary black socks, I'm talking about super warm and cute themed socks #noshame
5) Candles
One thing that I really love doing in this season is setting some nice smelling candles all around my flat and just enjoy the atmosphere that they create
I swear that as soon as the hot days are gone, I go to the kitchen and make myself my favorite hot drinks because I can finally drink them without having the feeling that I'm burning inside!
7) Halloween
Who doesn't like Halloween? I really like the fact that for one night people don't worry if they look weird and they don't wonder if they're wearing too much make up: for once they don't worry that someone might judge them for the way they decided to go out!
8) Rainy Evenings
Once again, I love the atmosphere that creates in this season and rain makes everything five times better! Plus if you feel like staying in bed the whole day while it's raining, you won't even feel guilty!
9) Make Up
Usually people tend to wear less makeup in the hot months and when it gets cold I always feel like I can wear something more elaborated and a little darker which is the kind of make up I love! Even thought I don't always wear them, I really like dark lipsticks and this is the perfect season to wear them!
10) Warm Baths
While in the summer people usually prefer a quick and cold shower, this season is perfect for a long and relaxing bath, eventually using some Lush Bombs (again, fall essential)
So, these are 10 reasons why I believe that autumn/fall is the perfect season , do you love it as much as I do? If the answer is yes, I really hope that you write your favorite fall-related things in the comments below!
Have a good day,
Why Being Shameless Is The Key To Happiness
People who know me well know that I'm a person who always thinks twice before making any choice. I am completely aware of this and I have to admit that I'm proud of this because it shows that I'm a rational and mature person who always thinks about the consequences. What I recently realized is that thinking too much ofter led me to missing things and that I'm probably screwing up the days that I might remember and laugh about as the years pass by.
For once I decided that I didn't want to think about every single action I make and just go with the flow following my heart instead of my mind. I decided to try this way of (not) thinking on my cousin's 18th birthday party. I went there convinced that I wouldn't have touched any alcohol because I didn't want to "lose control" or something. But then I just thought about the fact that I'm considered as an adult by the law and that there was nothing bad in drinking a few shots. I perfectly knew that a few choice wouldn't have done absolutely nothing so I decided to get them just like everybody else at the party. After those shots I was still sober, but they totally helped me to get relaxed and to free my mind! For the rest of the night I socialized with my cousin's friends and danced like nobody was watching!
People who know me well also know that I like dancing but I don't like dancing in public because I don't want people to judge me or think my dance moves are weird. This time it was different, I danced like I was alone in my room feeling a little embarrassed in the beginning, but then I just realized that I was one the best feelings in the world! I remember that at one point I just thought "wow, I'm actually happy thanks to something I thought would be frustrating". It was seriously a funny experience and I had an amazing time with those people and I've got absolutely nothing to regret!
The reason why I told you this little story is because I want you to understand how easy it is to have fun without being ashamed of how you look or about your dance moves just by opening your mind and just don't worry about what people might think.
I'm not suggesting you to drink or anything, I'm just trying to explain that if you think too much and you might miss a lot of things and you'll probably regret it when you won't be able to do some things anymore.
July Playlist
These four song have been the ones that I enjoyed the most these month, tell me yours in the comments below!
Believe - Mumford & Sons
If you're following me on twitter or if you have seen this My Week In Pictures post, you know that I'm currently in Ukraine, the home-country and that I reached it with a road trip across Europe. During this road trip I got really obsessed with this song because it felt amazing seeing the lights in the dark and dream with my eyes open with this song as soundtrack.
Ten Feet Tall - Wrabel
I didn't know this song until a friend of mine randomly played it on a girls' night. There are two versions of the song: one is a remix made by Afrojack and the other one is the slow version. I like both versions and I choose which one I should listen by my mood. What I really appreciate about both the versions is the lyrics because it makes you feel in love even thought you're an 18-years-old-girl who is enjoying her summer like a single lady!
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Miley Cyrus version
As I said earlier, right now I'm 18, single and enjoying this amazing summer in the best way I can, so I thing that this song describes perfectly what I'm going throughout right now! I literally wanna have no worries this summer, don't wanna think about that guy who's probably going to break my heart and so on, I just wanna be selfish for one and think about my self and the best way to do it is just having fun!
Shut Up And Dance With Me - WALK THE MOON
I discovered this song when they played it on MTV a few weeks ago and the very first thing I noticed is its rhythm because it's really catchy and it literally makes you wanna dance all night (I'm pretty sure people dance to it even if it's not night tho ahah). After listening to it a couple of times I already new the lyrics and I wanted all my friends to be with me in that moment so that we could've dance to it all together!
Summer Playlist
OThere are some song that remind us of a particular mood, memory or weather, these are some song that just give me those positive summer vibes and I wanted to share them with you!
Stereo Hearts - Gym Classic Hero ft. Adam Levine
Timber - Ke$ha ft. Pitbull
Cool For The Summer - Demi Lovato
Summer - Calvin Harris
Wild Child - Elen Levon
Bitchin' Summer - Avril Lavigne
22 - Taylor Swift
Good Time - Owl City ft. Carly Rae Jepsen
Summertrain - Greyson Chance
Somebody To You - The Vamps ft. Demi Lovato
California Gurls - Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dogg
We Can't Stop - Miley Cyrus
Chillin' With You - Britney Spears ft. Jamie Lynn
Firework - Katy Perry
Heart On Fire - Jonathan Clay
Live While We're Young - One Direction
Neon Lights - Demi Lovato
On My Way - Lea Michele
Summertime - Cody Simpson
New Romantics - Taylor Swift
When The Sun Goes Down - Selena Gomez
Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Rey
Sun Is Up - Inna
Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
Time Of Our Lives - Miley Cyrus
Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift
June Playlist
The Troubles - U2
This song is in U2's CD "Songs of Innocence" which I didn't really like in the beginning, but then I just fell in love with each song. The reason why I didn't appreciate this CD in the beginning in that the songs a pretty deep and sometimes it's not easy to understand them, but when you start to get them, you can't help yourself but love each song.
This song in particular is pretty hard to understand and I don't even know if I truly got the meaning behind the lyrics, but I think that I'm pretty close to it. Plus I love the melody and the rock shades in the end make me feel amazing.
El Perdón - Nicky Jam ft Enrique Iglesias
This past month I got a little obsessed with Spanish songs and between the ones I enjoyed listening, this is the one that I just kept playing and playing all over again. The reason why I really like this song is probably the fact that, recently, I lived a similar situation to the one described in the lyrics.
Uma Thurman - Fall Out Boy
When I think about this song, all I can say is ENERGY! This song is seriously so powerful that it makes you wanna stand up, go out, sing it out loud and dance along like nobody is watching! It has got a really cheerful melody and it's perfect for summer parties on the beach because no one can be sad while listening to it!
Good For You - Selena Gomez ft. A$AP Rocky
This song has been released just a few days ago, but it's already in my most-played playlist. The lyrics is about a strong and confident woman who feels beautiful and isn't ashamed of showing it. Plus the melody is really chilled and sexy and A$AP Rocky's rap is absolutely perfect for the song.
My Week In Pictures [22th June]
If you already follow me on twitter (inna_solonenko), you already know what I've been up to this week: Paris! As a gift from my mom for my 18th birthday, I'm spending eight days here with Viola, a friend of mine. Unfortunatelly, most of the pictures I took are on my DSLR so I'll them on a different post next week, when I'll be back in Milan and for now I'll post the pictures I took with my iPhone.
Earlier this week, before leaving for Paris, I celebrated the end of the school year with some friends!
Holidays: Things You Should Know Before Leaving
If you're like me, then you like traveling a lot and when you have the chance to book a trip you always get super excited and can't wait for it.
After you got so excited about it, there are some things you should do before leaving so that you'll be prepared to enjoy your trip without worries!
1) How do you reach your hotel from the airport?
You should be completely prepared for this step or else you'll find yourself wandering in the airport without knowing what to do. If you have someone who comes to pick you up that's perfect, but if you don't you should be organized!
Fortunately every city of the world is organized and will provide you with trains/busses/taxis who will bring you to the city center, but you have to know in advance which one you should chose. The best way for deciding is checking out on the internet and choose the solution that suits you better
2) How do you move in town
You can be in the most beautiful city of the world but if you don't know how to move from one place to an another, that could be a little disappointing. Every city obviously has its own transports like busses and eventually trams. Big cities have underground lines (or subway) which are usually pretty big and if you have no idea of how they work, you should study them a little before leaving to make sure you don't get lost! Besides knowing how they work, you should know how much this services cost so that you prepare the money you need without finding surprises!
3) Electrical Plugs
I think that this step is a little underrated, but it's something you must think about before leaving or else you'll find yourself in your room with your phone battery that is about to die without being able to charge it. What you should do before leaving is looking in the internet what plugs they use in the country where you're going, take a picture of it and go to a local store and buy one, maybe with the help of the store personal. The plugs usually are pretty cheap so you can even but two or three for every need.
These are the three things that in my opinion you must know before leaving before any holiday, do you agree?
My Week In Pictures [7th June]
This week I've been a little busy doing school stuff, but the last day arrived and I'm finally free!
Besides school, I got to do a really cool thing: I went to Meghan Trainor's concert and got to meet Olivia Somerly who was the opening act. The concert has been absolutely amazing and I had so much fun!
On Friday, I was the last day of school and I went to a park with some classmates and the pizza in the evening. We also went out the night to celebrate our freedom!
How was your week?
May Playlist
First Time - Gedina
Here in Italy you can head this song in the Coca Cola commercial and that's how I discovered it. It's a really cheerful and powerful song that makes you feel super-energyc in a few seconds. Plus reminds me a lot of summer and that's just perfect now that school is about to end!
Womanizer - Britney Spears
In the last couple of weeks, I happened to meet a guy who I kinda liked and then I found out that she's pretty much a womanizer and the feminist that is in me was like "hell no" and this song describes perfectly the whole situation
Someone New - Hozier
This song is probably going to be a HIT just as "Take Me To Church" in my opinion. Just like the previous single, this song is kinda shady but it doesn't make you feel sad of melancholic at all: it gives you a sense of freedom.
When I See You Again
I think that every human being who has listened to this song and instantly feel in love with it. I can't even explain how this song makes me feel and how much I always wanna listen to it over and over again. Plus this song is in the soundtrack of "Fast And Furious 7" and I know that a lot of people cried while watching the movie because of the death of Paul Walker. This is an extra reason why we all love this song.
Now tell me your May plalist!
My Week In Pictures
This has been a pretty busy week because the last days at school are always the hardest, so during the weeks I didn't get to do anything interesting besides a chinese meal and some pretty flowers I saw on the street while going to the restaurant.
Friday night I went to Expo 2015 and spent there just about one hour and it has been impossible to see everything, so I'll probably return very soon.
Have you done something interesting last week?

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