
Blackheads DIY Killer Face Mask

Blackheads are a problem a lot of people deal with daily. 
There are a lot of things we can do daily  to improve out skin and get rid of them and one of those things are face masks. 

A lot of brands make a lot of different type of masks promising miracles and ofter we get disappointed. The reason why it happens, sometimes is that those masks aren't natural at all and they end up making our situation worst by irritating our skin. 
That's the reason why I love natural DIY masks. 
The mask I use for blackheads is super easy yet really efficient. It only takes two ingredients to make it: cinnamon and honey
You probably already have these ingredients home and all you have to do is mix them together and apply everything on your nosechin and wherever you have blackheads and wait 20 minutes. 
I like doing this mask twice a week and I immediately see results, which doesn't happen with all masks.

If you try it, let me know in the comments how your skin looks after it :) 

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