
The Instagram Tag

What’s your instagram name?
innasolonenko, really original, i know

How many people do you follow? 169

How many followers do you have?

What are your favorite hashtags?
#milano #chernivzi #nature

What is your favorite genre of pictures? I like accounts that post travel pictures, make up related stuff, funny pictures and in general pictures of people. 

How often do you post? It depends, sometimes I post 10 picturs in one day, and sometimes I post 1 picture every two weeks

How often do you check instagram
Every two, three hours

What’s your favorite filter? 

iPhone only, purist or rebel? 
It depends: most of the times I post pictures I made with my iPhone, but lately I've been posting pictures I make with my DSLR too.

I invite anyone who wants to answer the questions of this tag to do it :)


Fruit With Benefits: Banana

Bananas are one of my favorite fruit ever because they taste delicious and they are really healthy and give your body instant energy. 
If you need some reasons to eat bananas, keep reading.

Bananas help overcome depression due to high levels of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin, the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter.

Bananas reduce swelling, protect against type II diabetes and aid weight loss. They also act as prebiotic, so they stimulate the growth of friendly bacteria in the bowel and they aid digestion 

Bananas will literally make you smarter and help learning by making you more alert. If it before and exam, you will definitely see results.

It's also suggested to eat a banana about two-three hours before you practice fitness exercises because it will provide you with all the energy you need!


The Hangover Cure

If you're older than 16, it probably already happened to you to wake up the morning  and having the head that is about to explode because the night before you drank too much. To get rid of this state called hangover, you need to help your body to proceed all the alcohol you drank yesterday

Get some rest
It's fundamental that your body has the time to make your blood alcohol-free. Resting won't make your headache that strong and you'll have time to elaborate your thoughts because they can be very confused on days like these.
Water will clean your bloodstream much faster than anything else. And when you're in the hangover phase you need to hydrated your body as much as possible because you probably lost a lot of liquids in the past hours.
Eat greasy food 
Something greasy and filling will make your stomach feel much better than eating anything else would. You can try to cook it on your own or maybe ask a friend for help. 
Okay, if you're reading this post it probably means that you're already late for this step, but the next time you'll be drinking, remember what I'm about to tell you because you can drink and have fun without struggling with hangover the next day. First of all you have to eat before drinking anything. When you drink try to have one glass of water for each beer, shot, glass of wine or whatever you drink and have just one drink per hour so that your body has the time to metabolize it. 

Do you know any other hangover cure? :)


Fruit With Benefits: Strawberry

Now that it's spring and the warn season is just around the corner, we all wanna eat fresh and healthy food, but sometime we don't know which one we should choose. In fact, this is the perfect season for eating some fruit like strawberries because in these months it's more likely to find some natural ones. There are a lot of benefits in strawberries, one of these is that they're low in calories: 54 calories per cup, but they are high in fiber. 

Other benefits of this fruit:

Helps burn stored fa
Don't pretend that you don't care about this point because we all do. Strawberries contain anthocyanin wish stimulates the burning of stored fat.

Promote bone health
Strawberries contain potassium, vitamin K and magnesium which are important for bone health.

Beauty proprieties 
This fruit is filled with biotin, which helps build strong hair and nails. 

Promotes heart health
It has been proven that strawberries can reduce the risk of heart attack by 32% in young and middle-aged women.
Plus this fruit is anti-inflammatory that reduced the risk of atherosclerosis and protects against the damage cause of bad cholesterol.


Marche, Italy in pictures


Foods you didn't know were healthy

There are some foods that people mistake for unhealthy and tries to avoid, but not everyone knows that there are some foods that are actually really healthy, I wrote some of them in this post. Enjoy :)

Pop corn
People tend to tag this food as "junk food" because they associate it with fatty things like butter, salt, chocolate and caramel, but plain pop corn is actually really healthy if you don't add oil and other stuff to it because of its big amount of fiber.
If you're finding this out for the first time, today's probably the best day of your life. Not everyone knows that dark chocolate has the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances that are good for your heart's health. Still, you don't have to abuse of it, but one or two squares a day keep the doctor away!
It's rich in lycopene, a substance that can reduce your risk of heart disease. 
We are used to heart people saying that coffee is really bad for your heart, that might be true, but only if you abuse it. If you consume an ordinary amount of it, it can actually improve your health because it's full of antioxidants and believed to decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes and other diseases like dementia. 

Do you know any other healthy food that everyone mistakes for unhealthy? If you do, write it in the comments :)


Pictures I didn't instagram

I love using instagram and I check it everyday, but even thought I like posting pictures, I don't post more than 1/2 pictures per week, don't ask why. Anyway, I decided to make this post where I share with you the pictures I did not post


Porto Recanati, Italy


Summer Bucket List

I decided to make a summer-bucket list and share with you what I wanna do this summer. When the summer will be over, I'll go back to this post and I'll let you know what I actually accomplished and what not 

1) Celebrate my 18th birthday with my relatives in Ukraine
2) Visit London or Paris
3) Go a whole day without my phone
4) Take a road trip
5) Finish my "Wreck This Journal"
6) Have a water fight
7) Have a bonfire
8) Star-gaze
9) Go to the beach
10) Watch the sunset on the beach
11) Read 10 books
12) Bake a pie
13) Go somewhere for each letter of the alphabet
14) Create an album with polaroid pictures
15) Find out who is Charles aka A (Pretty Little Liars)
16) Try something I've never done before
17) Try Starbucks recipes at home
18) Go clubbing without getting bored
19) Enjoy photography 
20) Just have fun