I'm pretty sure that now that in the past months most of us hasn't been really healthy and now that summertime is coming we don't feel in shape. At least that's how I feel, so I decided to change my every-day habits and hopefully get healthier and maybe get rid of the extra-wight. But still, I don't wanna do dramatic changes because my body would feel really confused and I'd end up food-binging. So this is just the first post of a series of post where I'll show you what I'm doing to get back in shape.
1) Water, water and again water.
This might sound obvious, but one of the main mistakes people do when they're trying to get healthier is drinking too little water. Personally, I'll try to drink at least 10 glasses of water a day, starting in the morning before breakfast. In fact it's scientifically proven that drinking cold water when you wake up speeds up you metabolism, so why not?
2) Morning yoga

3) Walk more
This part may sound a little harder because I'm pretty sure that a lot of people who are reading this post have a busy life and think that walking requires at least 2 hours of free time or so. But that's not true! You don't have to go to the park and maybe wasting your time, you just need to make little changes. For example if you're going to work or school, find a parking spot that is 10 minutes away from the place you're going. This way you'll walk a little bit more and you won't even notice it!
4) Cardio
If you're new to the fitness word, you have to know that everything that is cardio makes your heart work and it burn fat. There a lot of cardio exercises that you can do, like running. But I know that a lot of people don't like running or just don't have enough time to go out and run. What I like doing is watching some videos on youtube and follow them. My favorite channel is Blogilates. I have discovered it last year and I like it because the exercises are pretty easy, but they do actually work!
5) Eat better
This is probably the hardest step to follow because our body is now used to unhealthy food and it probably thinks that healthy food isn't satisfying or that maybe it tastes disgusting. Believe me or not, that isn't absolutely true, you just need to learn to appreciate it! Now that you're just starting improving your lifestyle, you don't have to make dramatic changes and stop eating unhealthy food. You just need eliminate some aliments slowly, for example one day you eliminate super-sugary cookies and start eating fruit instead. After a few days you eliminate Coke and star drinking orange juice. Those are little steps that you'll get used to and believe me, your body will start feeling much better just after a few changes!
So these are the 5 things that I'll try to do in the next couple of weeks to improve the way my body feels. In the next weeks I'll write other post with other healthy things you should do to get fit. And what about you? Are you going to follow these steps? Or do you have other advices for getting back on shape?
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